Cyberpunk 2077 – The Second Wave Might Tap into Unused Features of its Predecessor

According to CD Projekt Red’s developers, the highly debated RPG system from the original Cyberpunk 2077 might be improved in the sequel. Even if there are several elements of the original that could be difficult to top, making this specific feature better could greatly improve the next release, increasing its immersion and overall impressiveness.

Prior to Cyberpunk 2077’s release, the life path system attracted a lot of attention and discussion because of its potential to enhance replay value and enable a variety of role-playing experiences. But when the game first came out, these life paths were only considered to be surface-level features, confined to the game’s brief introduction, a few unimportant dialogue choices, and NPC interactions. Some believe that the poor execution of life paths is a reflection of larger issues with the game, given that the feature was first advertised as being more complex and nuanced than it actually is.

While opinions vary on how useful life paths are in Cyberpunk 2077, it’s clear that they don’t have a big impact on the regular gameplay experience. Developers at CD Projekt Red appear to agree as well; the narrative director of the company, Philipp Weber, admitted that the life path element falls short of reaching its role-playing potential. 

Though technically classified as an RPG, Cyberpunk 2077 frequently veers more into an action game, with little player control over the plot and V’s character traits. The game’s compelling story makes for an enjoyable experience, but it’s RPG elements have unrealized potential. Greater player agency could be provided by the sequel’s expanded life pathways, which would enable selected paths to have a major impact on the main story and unlock special skill trees. By making this improvement, the underutilized potential in Cyberpunk 2077’s current RPG aspects would be addressed.

Future versions of Cyberpunk 2077 might significantly alter life paths as they currently exist. Instead of having players select a fixed history before the first mission, CD Projekt Red may decide to evolve the system so that it is more dynamic and ongoing, allowing players to shape their backstory throughout the early phases of the game. Whether or not life pathways drastically change in Cyberpunk 2077’s follow-up, CD Projekt Red can deliver on its original promise of enabling players to mold their persona and journey by taking a more comprehensive and participatory approach to this facet of its role-playing game design.

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Abdul Wahab is a Software Engineer by profession and a Tech geek by nature. Having been associated with the tech industry for the last five years, he has covered a wide range of Tech topics and produced well-researched and engaging content. You will mostly find him reviewing tech products and writing blog posts. Binge-watching tech reviews and endlessly reading tech blogs are his favorite hobbies.

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