8 Best Robot Vacuum 2023

There is no question that a robot vacuum cleaner simplifies your life by removing all the dirt and dust from your home. It’s simple to handle and use, and given its size, it’s quickly become one of the most popular automatic cleaners in homes all over the world. It can remove pet hair, carpet grime, and even hard floors.

There are several reasons for purchasing a vacuum cleaner. It might be picking up pet hair, cleaning the soiled carpet once a week, or even cleaning the concrete floors. Finding the appropriate one for your household for a given activity might be challenging. Even if you own a stick vacuum or a portable vacuum, you’ll be shocked at how much you’ll rely on a robot vacuum, especially since you won’t have to vacuum yourself.

With so many robot vacuum cleaners on the market right now, we have tested and evaluated the most recent models to find the best robot vacuums for all of your cleaning needs.

8 Best Robot Vacuum 2023: Specifications

Dimension and WeightSuction PowerFilter TypeRun TimeRating
iRobot Roomba s9+12.25 x 12.25 x 3.5 inches8.2 pounds40X the Power-Lifting SuctionHigh-Efficiency Filterup to 120 minutes3.9 out of 55,353 global ratings
eufy by Anker, BoostIQ RoboVac 11S12.8 x 12.8 x 2.85 inches5.73 pounds1300PaTriple-Filter Systemup to 100 minutes4.4 out of 563,517 global ratings
Roborock S714 x 14 x 4 inches9.92 pounds2500PaReliableup to 180 minutes 4.5 out of 51,726 global ratings
Pure Clean 11.82 x 11.82 x 3.15 inches5.96 pounds1500Pa Dust filter/Hepa filter up to 90 minutes 3.9 out of 51,688 global ratings
Roborock Q5 13.78 x 13.78 x 3.8 inches7 pounds2700PaWashable filterup to 180 minutes 4.6 out of 54,168 global ratings
ILIFE A10 12.3 x 3.74 x 13 inches5.8 Pounds2000PaHEPA filterup to 100 minutes4.2 out of 5512 global ratings
Dreametech Z10 Pro13.7 x 13.7 x 3.8 inches26.7 pounds4000PaHEPA filterup to 200 minutes4.3 out of 5359 global ratings
ILIFE V3s Pro 11.8 x 11.8 x 3 inches; 4.5 Pounds1000PaHEPA filterup to 120 minutes4.2 out of 522,952 global ratings

8 Best Robot Vacuum 2023

The best aspect of having a robot vacuum is that it cleans without any effort on your side, and it continues to clean without being interrupted or distracted by other work, which we all are somewhat guilty of. Robot vacuums are also excellent for cleaning your house as quickly as possible. While you’re cleaning up around the house, scrubbing the bathroom, or doing whatever else needs to be done before the company arrives, vacuum the living room.

Hundreds of robot vacuums are available at various price points, and choosing one is nearly as tricky as sweeping that impossible-to-reach space beneath the couch. Although all of our suggested robot vacuums can clean carpets and hard floors, their performance varies significantly. Here are our best Robot Vacuum Cleaners recommendations for 2023.

1. iRobot Roomba s9+ (9550) Robot Vacuum

A robot vacuum that costs as much as a MacBook Pro has some significant criteria to meet, and the S9+ nails it. With new features, including a slower side brush that does not spread debris, it’s the greatest Roomba for edge cleanup, yet iRobot’s first D-shaped model can do so much more.

The s9+ and i7+ (the next top choice in Roombas) both offer automatic dirt disposal as well as a Clean Base that can contain up to 60 days’ worth of debris. The s9+ will fill up quicker, but only because it collects substantially more floor dirt.

The suction power has been increased compared to the i7+, and in the new j7+, airflow is improved, plus the broader dual rubber brushes clean medium-pile carpets, hard floors, and pet hair without tangling. Allow the s9+ to memorize the layout of your home, clean in neat rows, and return to its base following two hours of continuous cleaning.


  • Dual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes
  • High-Efficiency Filter
  • Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal
  • PerfectEdge Technology with advanced sensors
  • Ideal for Pet Hair


  • May fill up faster

2. Eufy by Anker, BoostIQ RoboVac 11S

It is the smallest model on our list of the best robot vacuum cleaners and is ideal for vacuuming underneath furniture and other tight spaces. Furthermore, it is an excellent alternative for cleaning both hardwood floors as well as low to medium-pile carpets at quite a moderate cost. The best part is that it is pretty simple to use.

Because it is just 2.8 inches tall, the bot can slip beneath mattresses as well as other furniture to keep dust bunnies under control. It includes a big 0.6 L dust canister which can store a large amount of debris and dirt without needing to be emptied frequently. The model is adept at navigating diverse floor types and easily handles transitions between hardwood floors and carpets. 

It has two suction modes, “Standard Power” and “Max,” and the bot can automatically adjust between them based on the material it is vacuuming. The run time is around 100 minutes in Standard Mode and up to 60 minutes in Max Mode.

You can pick from four cleaning configurations: Auto, Quick Spot, and Edge, according to your cleaning requirements. Another great feature is its quiet operation, which runs at 55 dB.


  • Super-slim, with powerful suction
  • Drop-sensing technology to avoid falling
  • Cleans up to 100 mins per charge
  • A large 0.6L dust box


  • Lacks app and voice control
  • Limited cleaning scheduling options

3. Roborock S7 Robot Vacuum and Mop

Many self-proclaimed hybrids’ mopping feature accomplishes little more than push water about. Roborock’s latest 2-in-1 is an efficient monster on both dry and wet surfaces. With the August 2021 release of Roborock’s auto-empty dock, model S7 potentially presents tough competition for iRobot’s Braava Jets as well as its series of self-emptying vacuums that do not mop.

The S7 is soft on wood, laminate, and tile while easily transitioning to carpets and rugs. Laser scale sensors analyze each area to alter the route, changing suction for large particles such as cereal or little ones such as salt. The mopping function is equally considerate of soft floors, elevating the whole vacuum off the surface to avoid soaking a rug.


  • Equipped with a vibrating sonic mop perfect for scrubbing hard floors
  • Fantastic battery life
  • LiDAR Navigation, makes onboard maps are incredibly accurate
  • Multi-directional floating brush
  • Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Siri Shortcuts support
  • Rubber brush is more durable and resists hair tangling


  • Expensive
  • Long hair can get tangled on its brush roller

4. Pure Clean Robot Vacuum Cleaner and Dock

When it involves hard floor vacuum cleaners, Pure Clean is a well-known Amazon brand. In addition to using the cleaner normally, you can program it to clean the house at a specific time. The sleek auto vacuum robovac features a 3.1″ low profile, making it small enough to slip under your couch, sofa, or bed. The robo vac incorporates anti-fall cliff sensors that automatically steer the bot away from stairs or carpet ledges.

The auto recharge method guarantees that the robot vacuums for 90 minutes before returning to the charging dock to be charged. Its two rotating brushes make cleaning hardwood floors a breeze, and it quickly transitions from floors to carpets and carpets to hardwood floors.

It also cleans pet hair and has a powerful 24w suction. The dust is contained in the bin, and the filter keeps allergies at bay!


  • The 3.1-inch profile makes it the perfect low-rise furniture
  • Easy-to-use LCD screen and wireless remote
  • Features three cleaning modes
  • Automatic Recharge Dock
  • Programmable scheduler self-activation automatically runs


  • No mop

5. Roborock Q5 Robot Vacuum

If you’re searching for a multipurpose robot vacuum at a reasonable price, the Roborock Q5 is an excellent option. While it lacks the real-time hazard recognition technology seen on the Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI and Roborock S7 MaxV, the reasonably priced vacuum provides good value for money. 

It has a LIDAR mapping system that maps out spaces quickly, especially in dimly lit environments, when contrasted to most optical sensor-based systems. Its companion app is simple to use and allows you to define virtual perimeters that it will not breach or instruct it to vacuum a specific space in your house. 

It performs admirably on bare surfaces such as hardwoods or tile floors, as well as being extremely efficient when dealing with animal hair, while it suffers slightly on carpets. It’s also entirely compatible with a self-emptying dock, albeit purchasing the vacuum with this accessory raises the price significantly.

Sadly, although it is equipped with a high-performance E11 filter, it performs poorly in keeping tiny particles from entering the LIDAR sensor. Do you have allergies? The Wyze Robot Vacuum is an excellent choice. It has LIDAR navigation. Also, it feels better built than the Roborock, but it is not self-emptying compatible.


  • Easy to use and maintain
  • Multi-Level Mapping allows saving up to 4 levels
  • It has a long runtime, cleaning up to 3230 sqft home in one go
  • Auto Empty Dock Pure
  • Smart Voice Control using Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or Siri Shortcut
  • Effective at cleaning up pet hair
  • Supports keep-out zones
  • Precise LiDAR navigation


  • No mop

6. ILIFE A10 Robot Vacuum

The brand iLife is quite famous for its inventive and high-quality robovacs at low costs, and indeed the model A10 is no different. The machine’s appealing aesthetic, numerous bells and whistles, plethora of accessories, and exceptional cleaning ability make it an excellent choice in every way.

The model has Lidar navigation technology (laser sensors) for more accurate navigation and mapping of your home. It also enables the robot to clean in low-light conditions. At just 3.7 inches tall, this robot can easily navigate regular furniture and tight places.

It includes dual sweeping brushes that are powerful enough to remove dirt from its path, covering corners and edges. The model works best while cleaning floors and employs a different fitting that retains water but vibrates when sprinkled.

You can control the robot with either a basic controller or the iLife Home application for Android and iOS. The software allows you to save your property map, which you can then use to personalize the cleaning schedule by adding no-go, carpet zones, room divisions, invisible walls, and other features.

This model is also equipped with multi-floor mapping, storing up to three maps to clean different level floors easily.


  • Smart laser navigation, app & voice control
  • Self-recharging capability and resumes cleaning on its own
  • Creates and stores up to 3 maps
  • Lots of useful accessories and a large dustbin
  • Advanced scheduling feature that allows it to work at a preset time
  • Quiet operation


  • Average pet hair vacuum performance
  • Minor navigation flaws

7. Dreametech Z10 Pro Robot Vacuum

Next on our list is an ingenious device from the Dreametech brand. It is a high-end bot with a plethora of innovative and sophisticated capabilities for completely effortless cleaning. The model can perfectly navigate your area, memorize your floor plan, suggest the most efficient route to clean, and map your complete house in real time using an innovative Lidar Navigation system.

The strongest point is its powerful suction strength of 4000 Pa, which distinguishes it from the other versions discussed here. It lets the machine deep clean the floor surfaces by removing fine dust, big debris, and pet hair.

It also has a carpet boost feature, which automatically raises its portion when it detects carpets. Another remarkable feature of the Dreametech Z1 robot mop is the S-shaped mopping pattern, which can remove difficult stains from the floor while still making it clean and shining. It includes a decently sized trash can with a space of 400 ml; the self-emptying bin capability also saves the burden of emptying it more often.

The robot vacuum and mop has a battery life that can last up to 200 minutes on a single charge. Furthermore, the self-charging capability allows it to return to the charging dock once the battery runs out in between cleanings and continues once fully charged. 


  • Offers efficient cleaning with a strong suction power
  • Can vacuum and mop both
  • Smart scheduling , self-emptying, and self-charging features
  • A 4L large vacuum dust bag
  • Superb Lidar Navigation & SLAM Algorithm
  • Compatible with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant for smart voice control via the app


  • Not ideal for low-rise furniture
  • Slightly noisy
  • Average mopping efficiency

8. ILIFE V3s Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner

If you want the finest budget-friendly yet high-performance robot vacuum cleaner, the iLife model V3s Pro is the ideal choice. Although it lacks certain advanced features, such as app connectivity and voice control, the vacuum cleans quite effectively.

Its primary purpose of dry cleaning is to effectively remove the majority of dry debris and dirt from floors and short-pile carpets.The model’s tremendous suction makes it highly effective at taking up human as well as pet hair off floors, even low-pile carpets. ILIFE V3s Pro is the best robot vacuum for pet hair.

Thanks to a complete set of smart sensors, it avoids obstructions, preserves furniture, and eliminates dangerous drop-offs while cleaning. It features four different cleaning modes- Auto, Edge, Spot, and Schedule that you can choose accordingly for desired cleaning results.

This robot vacuum cleaner features exclusive Air Away technology, which accurately separates dirt from debris, reducing clogging and maintaining a powerful suction for a more extended period of time. It also removes odors by releasing fresh air.

The best aspect is that when the battery becomes low, it autonomously goes back to its charging dock to recharge.


  • 10 sets of front infrared sensors help recognize and avoid obstacles
  • Performs best on hardwood floors
  • Programmable scheduling
  • Ideal suction machine for Pet Hair
  • Tangle-free design
  • Affordable price
  • Very easy to use


  • Dustbin fills too quickly (0.3 l only)
  • A bit loud
  • Inconsistent cleaning pattern

What to look for in a robot vacuum?

An upright Dyson vacuum’s sharp handling comes with its own buzz. If you don’t consider cleaning to be therapeutic, a robot vacuum might take that extensive, unpleasant activity off your to-do list.

However, whether or not robot vacuums are worthwhile is subject to one condition: it must be more than just any robot vacuum. A low-quality robovac that appears inebriated — dispersing crumbs instead of vacuuming them up, knocking into walls, and getting trapped on area rugs — lacks the convenience element that drew people to robot vacuums in the first place. We’ve compiled a list of the highest-rated models overall, but some additional factors particular to your home will help you narrow down your options:

Suction power

A vacuum cleaner is one of those purchases that you expect sucks a lot. Suction power is traditionally expressed in Pascals (Pa), with the ones on this list ranging from 600 Pa to 3,000 Pa. Greater suction will be required to take up heavier material such as pellet kitty litter (place a boundary around Legos) and to remove patted-down dog and cat hair from rugs.

Type of floors surfaces

To expand on the previous point, carpeting and rugs necessitate more suction versus hard floors, in addition to an extra-wide as well as self-cleaning brush roll that prevents hair from wrapping. People with numerous floor types in their houses may want to select a larger, sturdier robovac with massive rollers that can lift itself over carpets, rugs, and carpet-to-hard-floor transitions.

Automatic emptying

,lSince robot vacuums are usually less than four inches in height, the onboard dust containers are equally small, requiring regular emptying. (Dustbins fill up incredibly quickly in pet-owning households.) A self-emptying vacuum removes this burden from you by depositing dust, debris, and whatever else it has sucked up into a larger dustbin inside its charging base. Such larger bins can sometimes retain weeks’ worth of dirt before requiring it to be cleaned or emptied.

Each robot vacuum is integrated with sensors for drop detection. However, suppose your home has a lot of rooms, a lot of turns, or a lot of close-together furniture. A sophisticated model that utilizes LiDAR to outline precisely how your home is laid out, along with labeling particular rooms, notes of staircases as well as walls, and has the capability to deploy zone cleaning. In that case, you’ll have lesser navigation issues.

Low-profile furniture

Nobody should be concerned about what’s accumulated beneath their couch over the course of a year. A robot vacuum with a height of three inches or less should be able to get beneath basic low-hanging sofas and mattresses.

Battery life and land area

One of the most common complaints concerning robot vacuums is that they crap out in the middle of the floor. Larger locations take longer to vacuum clean, and everything depends on how irritated you will be if it just cleans only a few rooms at one time. The average run times for the items on this list are between 90 and 150 minutes, corresponding to 500 and 2,600 square feet covered on a single charge. Some can run for more than 180 minutes on a single charge.

App control

WiFi-enabled robovacs can be synchronized with a smartphone app to manually start, control timing and cleaning preferences, and instruct your vac to make rounds when you’re not at home. Low-end devices that do not connect to WiFi typically include a separate remote. A type featuring voice integration will fit in nicely if you’re accustomed to asking Siri, Alexa, or Google to switch off the lights and tell you the news.

Smart Communication

A free mobile application, a remote control, or a smart home assistant usually manages robot vacuums. Most people typically possess at least a couple of these choices.

However, take into account that the robot vacuum will also need to interact with you. Some may have an error message show, while others will talk to let you know that they’re beginning to clean, heading back to the dock, or have been forced to pause because they consumed a sock.

You’ll also receive messages and notifications if there’s a compatible app, so if you’re away from home, you’ll see if the cleaner got tangled up with a cord or if it has returned to the dock to charge.

Mapping options

The capacity to map boundaries is one of the most significant aspects of a robot vacuum cleaner. Less pricey cleaners may include magnetic strips or battery-powered towers that you can use to hold your robot vac from reaching the top of the stairs or to block off a room you don’t want to be vacuumed (for example, if you don’t have time to collect your floordrobe but still want to clean the sitting room).

Other, more expensive robots, usually ones that use Lidar, map your house. Some good cleaners now have room for more than just a single map, allowing you to keep maps for each floor. You will be able to add exclusion zones to your app, which they will then avoid. Sophisticated cleaners with mopping capabilities will also allow you to zone regions for mopping.

The top robot cleaners will also use cameras to assist them in recognizing and avoiding obstructions such as shoes, cables, and even pet poop.

Some cleaners equipped with cameras can also allow you to use them remotely through your app. This means you may utilize your robot vacuum as an extra piece of home security. You can also drive the vac around to monitor your dogs while you’re away if you use it in tandem with your app’s remote control.

Mobile Applications

A decent app will provide you with details on how long parts, such as brushes and filters, would last until they need to be replaced, in addition to providing updates and enabling you to schedule cleaning.

Most significantly, it’s where you’ll see the robot vacuum’s map of your house (or individual maps of different floors). Robot vacuums with the strongest mapping systems will allow you to target not only specific rooms for cleaning. They will also have particular items of furniture within them, so you can have the area surrounding the kitchen table vacuumed daily after breakfast or have the robot clean under the sofa after you’ve gone to bed.


Before purchasing a robot vacuum, determine the distance from the floor surface to the bottom of your sofa and other significant pieces of furniture.

Robot vacuums range in height from 7cm (shallow profile) to 10cm (medium profile) to 12cm (high profile) (high – the Dyson models tend to be the tallest). It can make a significant difference in your life if your robot vacuum can’t get beneath your sofa and bed.

Other robot vacuum things to keep an eye out for

The most inexpensive robot cleaners may lack a spinning brush, limiting their ability to clean carpets, but they will perform an excellent job on hard floors. A decent model will feature a full-sized rotating brush for cleaning up hairs and fluff from carpets and the room’s corners.

You should also consider the dimensions of the container. Most have similar dustbin capacities. However, some will empty into a larger bin when docked.

The most expensive cleaners will contain cylindrical (possibly cyclonic) drums that provide excellent suction even when the trash is full.

A Few Useful Suggestions For First-Time Users

Robot vacuums have quite a difficult job. Your home is continually evolving, and thus no robot vacuum can keep up. Following are a few ideas to try if you’re experiencing trouble. 

  • Stay at home for the first few runs of your robot vacuum. Many houses have trouble spots—a strange door frame, a lumpy rug—where you’ll have to rescue your Robo vacuum. Perform a quick practice run for booby traps such as ribbons and string.
  • Examine your Wi-Fi. The majority of Wi-Fi-enabled robot vacuums can only link to the 2.4-GHz Wi-Fi band. If you’re having trouble connecting, ensure you’re on the correct band.
  • Vacuum cleaners require upkeep. You must maintain it on a regular basis, just like any other robot, particularly one that comes into contact with the dirtiest portions of your home. Error warnings may instruct you to unload the bin in the middle of a run, clip the hair off the rollers, or clean the cliff sensors. Guidebooks and YouTube can be of assistance.
  • Vacuum during the day. A self-navigation robot vacuum often employs optical sensors, which implies it requires some light to travel. It is preferable to plan a run at 2 p.m. rather than at midnight.
  • Don’t get rid of your old vacuum. We are sorry to be a buzzkill. You’ll probably still require a second vacuum from time to time. We keep the Dyson around for simple spot cleaning as well as vacuuming corners in the bedroom.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do robotic vacuum cleaners work?

Robotic vacuums generally use several sensors to establish their course across your property, determining where they should clean. A few of these sensors detect “cliffs,” such as staircases and edges that the device could fall from. In contrast, others recognize where things, such as furniture, are in proximity to the vacuum and assist it in avoiding collisions with them.

 More technically sophisticated robotic vacuums might also employ machine learning to complete their cleaning tasks. These smart vacuums use mapping software, programmable cleaning selections through an integrated application, and dirt sensors to move across your home and scrub the areas that require the most care.

Can an upright vacuum be replaced with a robotic vacuum?

Choosing the correct Robot vacuum for your residence will do a fantastic job of keeping your floor surfaces clean and will save you effort on routine vacuuming. But don’t get rid of the full-size vacuum quite yet. While robotic vacuums are pretty good at frequently cleaning floors, including hard-to-reach corners of any room, they do not always have the shear cleaning power of, say, an upright vacuum. So, for thorough vacuuming of a high-pile carpet and any vacuuming operation that requires attachments, like cleaning couch upholstery, stay with your upright model.

Can robot vacuums clean both hardwood and carpet?

Yes! This is the appeal of a robot vacuum: it can clean a variety of surfaces. Most robot vacuums can automatically increase suction power to compensate for the shift. This is usually mentioned in the product description.

Is it necessary to empty the bin of a robot vacuum following each use?

It depends, although it is rarely the case. Most robot vacuums automatically self-empty at the docking station, eliminating the need to clean the robot itself. Self-emptying robot vacuums may collect dust and allergens for up to 60 days, making cleaning a snap. You should read the product specification since it will tell you whether it has a self-cleaning option and how long the bin will survive between cleaning sessions.

How about pet fur? Could a robot vacuum tackle that?

Absolutely. Per the American Veterinary Medical Association, 38% of households have a dog, with cats coming in second at 25%. Many robot vacuum manufacturers have modified their systems to satisfy pet requirements.

There are several robot vacuums intended to remove your pet’s fur from the floors easily. You’ll know since the product specification will state whether or not the vacuum can remove pet hair. Nevertheless, we cannot confirm that the cat will like riding around your house in the robot vacuum.

How do you protect a robotic vacuum from becoming caught beneath furniture?

Regardless, if you own a smart robotic vacuum with the ability to learn and adapt to your home’s structure, it is always possible to become trapped beneath the sofa or another large piece of furniture. Fortunately, you may avoid this from becoming a recurring problem by selecting a model with a low profile, or you can install risers to your furniture’s legs or limit its journey beneath furniture using string or perhaps assign a virtual barrier.

Can I use a robot vacuum if I have stairs in my house?

Yes, but robot vacuums are unable to climb stairs. Fortunately, they have sensors that enable them to recognize steps and avoid falling. Most mid-range vacuums also recall numerous floor levels in your home, allowing you to vacuum your entire house by just carrying them between levels.

Closing Words

Since the first few robot vacuum cleaners from Electrolux and iRobot debuted in the early 2000s, robot vacuums have gone a long way. They are not just better at navigating your home, but they also cover more ground space faster, and some models empty their own garbage cans. A few versions can even vacuum and clean your floors simultaneously.

With so many robot vacuum cleaners on the market, we examined and tested the most recent models to find the best robot vacuums for all your cleaning needs. If you have any questions, please share them with us in the comments section and also share your robot vacuum cleaning experience. 

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Sarah is a writer by profession and passion. She is a real tech-savvy who loves everything tech! Talk about the latest tech releases, latest news from the tech world, on-trend tech gadgets, or simple tech hacks – Sarah knows it all! Being a movie enthusiast, she always has a close eye on the latest releases. Her insights about how well the movie will do on the box offices are surprisingly always correct! We call her the “Encyclopaedia of Movies”.

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